
Tag Archives: Heartworm Prevention

Apr 22

Heartworm Disease

Spring is upon us and many of us are starting to think ahead to the warmer days that are coming!  With the increasing temperatures comes more time outside, going to the beach, campfires and the dreaded scourge of mosquitos. Heartworm disease is a potentially fatal condition in pets, spread by mosquitos, in the United States... Learn More

Nov 27

Why Do I Have to Use Heartworm Prevention in the Winter?

Why do I Have to Use Heartworm Prevention in the Winter? Our primary care team member, Dr. Boone, has responded: Heartworm disease is transmitted by the mosquito.  When a mosquito bites an infected animal, it transfers the microscopic organism (microfilaria) to the next animal that it bites.  According to the American Heartworm Society, heartworms have... Learn More

Friendship provides state of the art, comprehensive services for our clients and patients. But, more than that, we provide a caring team who understand the unique human-animal bond. View Our Services