
Jun 16

June 23rd: Take Your Dog to Work Day!

June 23rd: Take Your Dog to Work Day!

We all know how special dogs are in our lives.  But did you also know that they can help with reducing stress levels and making you more productive at work?

For more information and a tool kit to make this special day successful at your work place please click on the following link:
Dr. Carr graduated from Michigan State University in 2006 and joined Friendship to complete her internship in 2007. Dr. Carr remained a staff doctor until 2012, when she relocated to Pittsburgh. Fortunately, she rejoined our team in 2015! Dr. Carr’s professional interests include senior care, feline medicine, and endocrinology.
*Featured image courtesy of Pet Sitters International.

Friendship provides state of the art, comprehensive services for our clients and patients. But, more than that, we provide a caring team who understand the unique human-animal bond. View Our Services